Friday, March 2, 2018


This week, I talked to every grade level except Pre-K about WebDesk. We discussed what it is, how to add apps and how to access saved files in the students’ home folder.

WebDesk is a dashboard with different apps that students and teachers can use to access all of the resources and tools they need in one location. Once you have logged in the first time, you do not have to log in again thanks to Class Link. This greatly minimizes the amount of time it takes to get students to log in and get started.

Adding an app is as easy as clicking on a plus sign. That will bring up the App Library where students can select the app they wish to add.

We added the KOHA app (green book) which is the library catalog app.

This app allows students to see what books they have checked out, search for books in the library catalog and easy access to our library resource page.

Students may access any saved files in their H: or Home drive by clicking on the My Files link at the bottom center of the dashboard.

From there they click on School Network and then Home folder.

In Pre-K, I read Thank You, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony.