I apologize for the late
posting, but the week kind of got away from me with having Good Friday
off. I chose to talk about collaboration
because our #EdSlowChat question for the week was: How does collaborating with
your librarian impact student learning?
My hope as a librarian is
that by teachers collaborating with me, WE are able to help the students make
connections outside of their classroom. I love it when I read a story about
something they are learning in class and they say, “We were learning about this
in class!” It’s amazing to see those
light bulbs go off.
Often times, I don’t get a
lot of true collaboration. I realize
teachers are busy, but I feel that part of my job is to help take some of the
burden off of teachers. If there is
something that I can teach in the library that will save a teacher from having
to do it, I am more than willing to help out.
I’m here to serve and I think a lot of teachers don’t realize the
untapped potential they have in a resource like me. I would love to be used more and to feel more
useful than just someone who helps the students’ checkout their books. Perhaps, in time, if I keep plugging away and
try to draw more teachers in, I’ll be able feel as though I am completing my
role as librarian.