I realize this is a week
late, but I wanted to make sure it got mentioned.
All last week, students in
all grade levels (K-5) did coding activities with a huge culminating activity
where parents got to come to the school and code with their children. This was all in effort to increase the
awareness of Hour of Code.
The Hour of Code is a
global movement to reach billions to introduce them to computer science. It’s
designed to show that anyone can code and learn the basics. The hope is that by
starting early, students will have a foundation to be successful with 21st
century skills. It also helps to nurture
problem-solving skills, logic and creativity.
Our students loved the
activities, but I think they loved showing their parents even more. They were so excited to teach their parents what
they had been learning all week. We even had the Perot Tech Truck here to show
parents and students various activities. You can see some of the activities in
the pictures. If you wish to learn more
about the Hour of Code, you can visit www.code.org.