Well, the end is almost near. Summertime is coming! When I think of summer, I think of lazy days
lounging in the sun and reading. I know
a lot of people might not think of reading as a fun summertime activity, but
that is the only time that I can really enjoy and totally immerse myself in a
good book.
I have always enjoyed reading, but not everyone feels
that way. Especially elementary school
students who are looking forward to summer vacation and all the thrills that
entails. Swimming, traveling, summer
camps. Who wants to read over their
summer vacation? Well, they might not
want to read, but it is important that they do.
Many studies have revealed that reading just four to six books over the
summer is enough to maintain their reading skills. This is so important in preventing the “summer
slide”. It can be very frustrating as an instructor and a student to come back
in the fall and have to play “catch up”.
Not only is it important that they read, but that they
have a choice in what they read. In a
small study conducted in Rochester, NY, they found that students showed more
improvement when they chose their reading material versus being assigned a
reading list. To read more about this
study, click on this link: http://bit.ly/1HMrMp3 .
I truly believe that if students are given a choice in
what they are doing, it will be more fun and engaging and something that they want to do instead of something they have to do. So be sure to pack a few books on that family
vacation this summer in order to prevent that “summer slide”. To help with a little incentive to read, here
are some links to some summer reading programs.
Plano Public Library System: Suburban DARE – www.planolibrary.org
Barnes & Noble: Imagination’s Destination – www.BN.com/summerreading
Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge: Power Up & Read
- www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2015
I hope this helps get some of those reluctant readers
enjoying some good books this summer so that they will be ready to go when
school starts again in the fall. Happy